Three inducted to New Kensington athletics hall of fame

Paul Holzshu, Art McCray and Lou Payne become inaugural inductees
Three-photo collage of athletics Hall of Fame inductees

Paul Holzshu (left), Lou Payne(中)和Art McCray(右)是免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿体育名人堂的首批入选者.

Credit: Penn State New Kensington Athletics

NEW KENSINGTON, Pa. 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校的体育系于10月11日将三名成员纳入其首届“名人堂”班级. 21. 在一年一度的男子篮球校友比赛中,保罗·霍尔兹舒,小阿瑟·麦克雷. and Lou Payne were recognized as the Athletics Hall of Fame Class of 2023.  

“I want to thank Lou, Art and Paul for being the first-ever inductees for our Hall of Fame,” said Renee Brown-Antonelli, athletic director at the New Kensington campus. “我很感激他们为我们体育部所做的一切以及他们所做的贡献.

“就像我和我们所有的学生运动员一样,在大学里参加一项运动就像一份全职工作. Between classes, practices, games and traveling, you are essentially working two full-time positions," she continued. “成为一名学生运动员意味着你必须为成功做出牺牲. Our Class of 2023 Hall of Fame inductees did just that. They made sacrifices to be successful on and off the court, 并帮助改变了体育部项目的发展轨迹.” 

自从布朗-安东内利去年10月成为体育主管以来,进入校园名人堂一直是他的目标. 2022. 她说,组织最新的荣誉有助于将现有的学生运动员与校友和校园体育项目的朋友联系起来. 

“这向我们现在的学生运动员表明,我们有强大的体育传统,我们希望继续建立和发展,我们认可他们的辛勤工作和努力。,” she said. 

布朗-安东内利已经在为明年的名人堂入选者做准备了 2024 nomination form is already live online. 我们鼓励校友和朋友提出提名,以供考虑和审查.  

Penn State New Kensington Athletics Hall of Fame Class of 2023 

Paul Hozshu 

保罗·霍尔兹舒在匹兹堡地区以其出色的运动能力和成功的高中和大学教练生涯而闻名. 1992年,霍尔兹舒成为新肯辛顿校区的首席男子篮球教练, and led the team through some of its most storied years. Under his leadership, the team won several championships including the 1993-94 Commonwealth Campus Athletic Conference West Regional Championship; the 1994-95 Conference State Championship; the 全国大专体育协会男子第三组第五区冠军; and the Region 20 Championship. 他还带领球队进入了全国大专体育协会全国锦标赛的“精英8”轮.  

In addition to his success coaching the New Kensington teams, Holzshu在他的职业生涯中也获得了许多奖项,包括年度最佳教练, 西部篮球官员协会的年度最佳教练和文斯·雅各布学院年度最佳教练.  

His coaching was grounded in the statement, “It’s not a matter of can and cannot; it’s a matter of will and will not.作为一名学生运动员,无论是在场上还是场下,这种哲学都帮助了他的动力和决心, which also earned him a full athletic scholarship to Clemson University, where he played from 1967 to 1971. 他于1972年毕业于克莱姆森大学,获得休闲公园管理学士学位. 

Art McCray 

Art McCray, 在霍尔兹舒领导下的新肯辛顿篮球队打球的人, attended the campus from 1994 to 1997, where he earned his associate degree in letters, arts and sciences, 然后在免费mg不朽情缘试玩获得康复服务学士学位,后来在美国公立大学获得体育管理硕士学位. 

A graduate of Chartiers Valley High School, 麦克雷在校期间是获胜的新肯辛顿篮球队的重要成员. 1995-96赛季和1996-97赛季,他在篮板和盖帽方面都是全队第一. 他的防守技巧和对球队的承诺帮助他们获得了几个冠军,包括联邦校园运动会西部地区冠军, Conference State Co-Championship, 全国大专体育协会男子第三组第五区冠军, and the Region 20 Championship. 麦克雷也是全国大专体育协会全国锦标赛“精英8”新肯辛顿队的一员. 

麦克雷对剑桥大学和新肯辛顿校区的奉献超越了他的学生时代. 他曾担任助理男子篮球教练,目前担任招生顾问和SAGE项目协调员,以及校园学生运动员的保留专家.  

Lou Payne 

Lou Payne, who attended Penn State New Kensington from 2013 to 2016, 是麦克雷招收的第一个运动员,体现了作为一名学生运动员的真正意义. Academically, 佩恩赢得了荣誉,包括两次成为免费mg不朽情缘试玩体育大会(PSUAC)的全学术代表, 两次获得约翰·埃文斯奖学金,三次获得免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿荣誉榜成员. He also received a Leadership Conference of America award. 

On the court, 佩恩在新肯辛顿校区的三年里一直担任队长. 2016年,他被评为免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校年度最佳男运动员. That same year, he ranked in the PSUAC’s Top 3 in assists, Top 20 in steals, 在美国大学体育协会(USCAA)罚球命中率排名第九。.  

Payne毕业于New Kensington校区,获得信息科学与技术学士学位.