Faculty and staff use innovative mindset and skills to plan for future

First 'Corner CON' brings innovation and entrepreneurship to forefront at New Kensington
Dr. Kevin Snider, chancellor, presents Corner CON event vision to attendees

Penn State New Kensington Chancellor Kevin Snider presents the vision for Corner CON 2018. The event aimed to create and build awareness of innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E), 通过合作构思吸引参与者,并开始阐明校园将采取的行动步骤,以整合I&在校内和校外,让学生为未来的工作和机会做好必要的技能准备. Corner CON was held at The Corner, the campus' entrepreneurial center.

Credit: Corinne Coulson

NEW KENSINGTON, Pa. - 2017年12月,新肯辛顿市中心的the Corner创业中心开业, 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校已经看到了创业和创新如何激发积极性,并为社区带来能量. The campus, under the lead of Chancellor Kevin Snider, is now committed to spreading that spark even farther.

To explore how innovation and entrepreneurship can benefit not just the community, but also the campus’ current students and future students and stakeholders, Snider wanted to gather the input of faculty and staff.

“This world of innovation has developed tremendous opportunities for learning, teaching and discovery,” said Snider. “这也提醒我们一个事实,即我们的学生在不久的将来以及在职业生涯中茁壮成长所需的技能组合正在发生变化. We needed to get the perspective of our faculty and staff on how we can use The Corner, which is our door to innovation, to get into this world in a big way. 我们也想听听他们在创新方面的感受、看法和想法,以及我们如何让创新成为我们文化的更大一部分.”

Snider has been working on collaborative efforts with industry, schools and government directly related to the Industry 4.0 concept, 这是建立在创新和创业精神以及劳动力发展领域的相关技能基础上的.

“The new industrial age is already changing jobs, career paths and working environments,” said Snider. “毕业生必须具备额外的知识基础和技能,才能在未来取得成功. Our graduates will constantly be adapting to new positions in new companies requiring new skills. Industry 4.0 is also increasing the rate and frequency in which these changes will occur.” 

Citing the World Economic Forum’s “disruption index,” Snider stresses how technology will continue to change workforce development and jobs overall.

“From social work to medicine, education to small businesses, and a lot in between, our graduates will have incredible tools to apply in their work that they have to know about,” said Snider. “我们已经听说,对能够分析大数据集的人有跨学科的需求, but they also have to know about how artificial intelligence, robotics and the internet of things are connected and part of a larger system.”

虽然有些人可能会假设或相信这些概念只涉及某些领域,如工程和技术, Snider stresses that they will affect all fields. 

“We already have the key ingredients found in liberal arts such as critical-thinking, problem-solving, communications and social awareness,” said Snider. “我们需要帮助学生学会在不断变化的环境中应用这些技能,而技术和创新正在加速这种变化. That is why understanding and learning about the innovative mindset, as we have defined it, is so important.”

To garner input from the campus community on these concepts, Snider didn’t want to do a survey or host a discussion meeting. Knowing that innovative thinking breeds innovation, 创建了一个黑客马拉松式的活动,以便教职员工可以将自己的创新思维付诸实践.

The inaugural “Corner CON” held on Feb. 21和23是一个会议,为未来在新肯辛顿校区的成功做准备,通过包容性的合作和创意. The sessions brought together members of the campus community at The Corner, the campus’ entrepreneurial center and one of 21 Penn State innovation hubs throughout the Commonwealth.

Facilitated by Babs Carryer, educator, entrepreneur, writer and consultant, along with Stephen Leonard, senior innovation lead at Arconic, “角落大会”的特色是与创新和创业有关的简短构思和头脑风暴会议, 将校园与the Corner连接起来,为学生和校园社区培养创新文化.

“The first day was very good, but the second day was incredible,” said Snider. “At the end of the sessions, 教师们谈论着,参与着,对他们看到的为学生提供更多机会的可能性感到兴奋. Faculty were talking to each other on how they could collaborate across disciplines. 教职员工正在讨论校园内的各种功能如何为学生的成功做出贡献. 在第二天结束的时候,很明显,我们有一群核心员工,他们对推动我们的校园向前发展充满了动力和兴奋,并以一种促进创新的方式来做.”  

Snider continued, “I wanted them to understand Industry 4.0 and the impact this may have on all of us, 尤其是我们的学生需要在一个工作和社会变化迅速而深远的时代取得成功的技能. We had a few who were a bit skeptical, and they asked some great questions that helped refine our thinking. Everyone there had the interests of our students at heart. 我知道我们需要以不同的方式思考,以促进学生的兴趣,并开始研究我希望我们能从这次活动中得到什么, and we did.” 

In addition to laying the groundwork for planning and creating campus Innovation Action Teams, the event highlighted the asset the campus has in The Corner, which was part of the first round of seed grant recipients through the Invent Penn State initiative.

“The Corner has emerged as a pivotal player in this effort,” said Snider. “It is our connection to the innovative environment and those already in it. We will be able to connect students, faculty and staff, as well as members of the community, to opportunities in innovation. 我们将能够为所有校园和社区成员提供创业培训,让每个想要的人都有机会把一个想法付诸实践,并将其转化为一项业务或产品. While most will fail, those who tried and learned will gain invaluable experience, knowledge and skill sets that will prepare them for the workforce of tomorrow.”


“Some think that the innovative mindset is just about creating entrepreneurs,” Snider said. "No, 这是为了培养能够找到好工作并适应整个职业生涯的毕业生,因为他们拥有下一个时代所需的技能.”