Science and Technology

Female student sits by computers

美国广播公司(ABC)创建 student at computers

A female student takes part in an 美国广播公司(ABC)创建 Summer STEAM Camp for females held at Plum High School. 营, led by educators in 美国广播公司(ABC)创建 member school districts, aimed to expose young girls to STEM-related technologies and careers. 营 also included professional development training for teachers. 

克里斯塔尔塔克 speaks with another faculty member with robot

克里斯塔尔塔克 on Beam robot

克里斯塔尔塔克, assistant professor of biology at Penn State Greater 所有egheny, speaks with 佩内洛普·莫里森, assistant professor of biobehavioral health (BBH) at Penn State 新肯辛顿, via a Beam telepresence robot. The faculty members were able to acquire two robots to be used for the shared BBH program thanks to a Penn State Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) REACH grant. The robots are being used in the classrooms to bridge the distance between campuses during distance learning classes.

BBH students from 新肯辛顿 and Greater 所有egheny interact via Beam robot

BBH students from 新肯辛顿 and Greater 所有egheny interact via Beam robot

Sophomore biobehavioral health (BBH) student April Andreozzi, pictured left within the Beam robot, interacts with another BBH student at Penn State Greater 所有egheny with the help of the new technology. Andreozzi controls the robot from the 新肯辛顿 campus through a laptop computer. The robot enables the shared baccalaureate program to bridge the distance between campuses and increase interactions for students and faculty members.

克里斯塔尔塔克 and 佩内洛普·莫里森 interact via robot

克里斯塔尔塔克 and 佩内洛普·莫里森 interact via robot

克里斯塔尔塔克, pictured left, speaks to 佩内洛普·莫里森 via a Beam telepresence robot. 莫里森, assistant professor of biobehavioral health at Penn State 新肯辛顿, 和塔克, assistant professor of biology at Penn State Greater 所有egheny, received the robot through a Penn State Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) REACH grant. The robots are being used in the classrooms to bridge the distance between campuses for the shared biobehavioral health program.

Students in class interact with robot

BEAM robot from 新肯辛顿 and Greater 所有egheny BBH program

佩内洛普·莫里森, assistant professor of biobehavioral health at Penn State 新肯辛顿, interacts with students at the Penn State Greater 所有egheny campus via a Beam telepresence robot. The shared biobehavioral health program at the campuses acquired two robots thanks to a grant from Penn State's Teaching and Learning with Technology REACH initiative. Each campus has a robot which allows 莫里森 and fellow faculty member 克里斯塔尔塔克, assistant professor of biology at the Greater 所有egheny campus, to "shorten the distance" between distance learning classes.